Pot luck, or just advanced probability?
Just read a really good blog on Deal or No Deal, you know that show with Noel Edmunds and the phone with nobody on the other end? Well it argued whether you can in any mathematical way, have some method to the madness. Or whether it is in fact pure luck, a lottery as such.
I used to watch the odd show, and remembered when there would be a player who would have 'predicted' what each box contained. Then be on the verge of tears when their predictions went down the pan. People have also suggested that there is a pattern to which value was in which box. Again nobody is yet to have proved the theory true.
So yeah it can only be pot luck then surely? So this is pretty much a pointless blog then? But imagine, if by some means, there is some crazy, or just stupidly obvious but yet oblivious method that is used. This was a very pointless blog, I know, but hey it's better than revising!
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