Sunday 25 May 2014


Well, in the past year the rise of the United Kingdom Independance Party (UKIP...duhh) has been impossible to ignore. Their rise from a laughing stock, to a serious contender in British politics has been enthralling to watch. Also there is an element of comedy about their rise, from horrendous quotes, to genuine blunders.

The Positives 

First of all yes I believe there are positives to this party. For the first time in decades a political party is actually in touch with the majority of working class, British society. Their views on immigration, especially have earned them huge support in Britain. And can I say their immigration policies are not racist in any way shape or form so before I am labelled as that. The people who label them racist clearly haven't done their research. The research backs their policies up as well, immigration has a huge effect on schools, the public sector and the housing markets. However it is worth saying that their are plenty of immigrants who more than earn their place here. But as UKIP say, it's the immigrants that don't work, that just milk the system and NHS off that they are concerned with. That is NOT racist full stop. It is undeniable they have a real connection with voters, one which Labour, or the Tories haven't had for decades.

The Negatives

Sure their policies are what people want to hear, and what they would like to see happen in the UK. But however, for every 100 UKIP members, there is 1 who sticks their foot in it with a horrific quote. From the immigration quote that 'they' should go back to "Bongo Bongo land" to the quote about how Maternity leave and pay should be scrapped for women. Even though none of these quotes is in the parties plans, it is the underlying racism, sexism of a few members which scares most of society. For all the good work their policies do, one stupid quote undoes all of it, and until they eliminate that, you feel UKIP will never get to, or near the top.

Something which needs to stop

I've seen a trait in British society lately, that anyone who votes, or lends support to UKIP is branded 'racist' or 'sexist' by British society. This is simply untrue, 99% of voters for UKIP or maybe even 100% vote for them because they feel passionate about their country and want to see it ran properly and for the benefit of all. For people to label these people as disgraces of society is an abomination. You can't restrict a persons right to vote, no matter who it is for. 

Who would I vote for?

I have always felt that the Conservatives were the best of the worst. Especially in their economic policies in which I hugely agree with, especially after studying economics. I believe Labour put this country in huge problems and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the economy again. Even though what the conservatives has done has got bad press, it is clearly the only option as Labour messed it up that bad. The public sector needed to be cut, new businesses had to be started up to increase the private sector to cut the deficit...that was the only answer. 

Now however, like a lot of the public, UKIP is really proposing policies which appeal to me. So the next election I will either vote UKIP or Conservative. 

A lot of people probably disagree with me, in that case please post comments below as I'd love to hear other opinions as I'm open to discussion. 

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